We have been a bit quiet on the blog over the last few of months, although we have been very (and I mean VERY) busy in all sorts of ways so this is a mega blog post to catch up.
Middle Earth Weekend
Over the weekend of 11-12 May, we had a single stall at the Tolkien Middle Earth Festival. Despite some typical English weekend weather, the event was well attended and had a great vibe. The visitors were obviously having a super time, and as usual the organisation was spot on. The weekend has a lot of Tolkien orientated activities, including readings and displays, but there is so much more to enjoy, including wargaming tables, role playing games (more on RPGs later), traditional crafts, fletching, wood carving, and so on. It really is a brilliant weekend and it would be great to see you there next year. To check the details for next year take a look at the organisers website http://www.middleearthweekend.org.uk/
We really like doing shows and had a great time with all the visitors, and saw a lot of people we knew, including friends from the Birmingham Science Fiction Group. We had a couple of days of good laughs and interesting conversations, and sold plenty of books (which is always nice). Slightly less enjoyable was me slamming the van door on my own knee early on the first day, resulting in more hobbling, than “hobbiting”. On Sunday a walking stick was required to get around, that’ll teach me not to slam van doors on my knees – we learn something new every day!

Durdles Books at Middle Earth Weekend
UPDATE: It is a shame but it looks, as though the Middle Earth Weekend 2014 may not take place as the committee is unable to find enough volunteers for the committee positions. Don’t quote me on this as far as I know there has not been any final decision yet
ANOTHER UPDATE: Yeah the 2014 Middle Earth Weekend will NOT go ahead. However the good news published on Middle-Earth News (http://middleearthnews.com/2014/01/25/middle-earth-weekend-is-saved/) is that Bob Hawtin has stepped in to the breach, that is organising a massive event, to run the Middle Earth Weekend 2015. Well done Bob! Durdles Books look forward to further news as it develops and occupying a number of dealers tables at this great event.
Iain Banks RIP

Iain Banks
Iain Banks , what can we say that has not already been said? What can we say that alleviates the grief of those who knew and loved him? What can we say that adequately expresses the loss of the great talent that he was? Nothing.
May he rest in peace, and may his work stand as testament to the man he was. Our heartfelt condolences to his family.

Consider Phlebas
I recently read Consider Phlebas and thoroughly enjoyed it.
One major and happy reason for the bad blog keeping, is that my partner and I got married. WOW! If you have recently organised a wedding you will understand why there has been so little blogging. If you have not …. then my advice is, write your blog posts in advance! Who knew there were so many things to be done and considered…

The Happy Couple, and still happy!
Our wedding day was fabulous, in the truest sense of the word. It went off perfectly, and our families and friends we all so wonderful, and we looked stunning, and the longest first dance in history went down well too! We definitely needed the honeymoon, and so we had a super lazy time at a little quiet resort on Majorca. Bliss!

Porto Pollenca, Beautiful Honeymoon destination
Listed Books
So, what else have we been up to? Well, buying more books, and as you can see on www.durdlesbooks.com adding to our inventory. We have recently uploaded some more science fiction and fantasy books, including some signed and lots of first editions.
We have also uploaded a stack of role playing books, mostly Warhammer and Warhhammer 40000. Also, there are some uncommon hardback RPG titles.
Check this link http://www.durdlesbooks.com/?page=shop/browse&category_id=47 for our full selection of RPG titles.

Warhammer Armies

Warhammer RPG

Starship Troopers RPG A Scarce edition
Some other highlights from the recent uploads are signed books by John Le Carre and Terry Brooks. Bernard Cornwall’s Second Sharpe book, Sharpe’s Gold first edition in solid collectible condition.

Shape’s Gold 1st UK edition
Multiple titles from Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse, and Stephen King.
More Books
Another large tranche of books is currently being catalogued for uploading in the very near future. This a quality selection of books from our large regular stock and includes a few really good gems and some very interesting items. I will post again when these are up and available.
LonCon 3 – London 14th-18th August 2014

Durdles Books is also fully paid up for LonCon 3, and will have a big presence. LonCon is the 72nd Worldcon, (World Science Fiction Convention) and will be held at ExCeL in London’s Docklands from Thursday 14th to Monday 18th August 2014. Details: http://www.loncon3.org/ We are very much looking forward to this and are already gently preparing. It will be a major event, and we know a lot our friends and previous customers will be there. Cannot wait!
Andromeda 2 – Birmingham 20th September 2014
Other convention news: we are booked for three tables at the Andromeda 2 con, which is going to be held In Digbeth, Birmingham on Saturday 20th September 2014 from 9:30am to 22:00pm with the Dealer’s Room open at 09:00am.
For further details see : http://terror-tree.co.uk/andromeda-tw/
Again, well done to Teresa for getting and keeping this one flying…. Great to have a con in Birmingham.
So we have had some great times in the last few months and loads of brilliant things to look forward to….. and we’ll try to fit in some more blogging!